Joseph Putrelo
Joe Putrelo is a 2L at Rutgers Law School - Newark from Buffalo, NY, (go, Bills!) who is thrilled to be a part of CLiME. His legal experiences include clerking over the summer for a federal judge at the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri and a summer associateship at Cantor Injury Law in St. Louis, MO. This fall, Joe also founded "Tort Law Society" on the Rutgers Law School - Newark campus, which has attained university recognition, a full executive board, and more than twenty members. When he was a 1L, Joe's tort law professor was David Troutt, CLiME Director. Professor Troutt further inspired Joe's passion for personal injury litigation and sparked his desire to want to work for CLiME.
Before law school, Joe was a television news reporter and anchor.